The Dealing Room - Tony Illis
Download The Dealing Room in pdf gratis
Je staat op het punt om The Dealing Room in epub helemaal gratis te downloaden. Een boek van auteur Tony Illis dat is gepubliceerd op 2024-01-03. Als je het online wilt vinden, kun je het zoeken met ISBN 9789464483161. Het heeft 443 pagina's en is in Nederlands taal. Je kunt het krijgen in PDF, epub, mobi, kindle en vele andere formaten.
Samenvatting van het boek
The Dealingroom is the first and only book that provides insight into exactly how banks and hedge funds make their money trading complex financial products. This is taken from the viewpoint/perspective of the trader/dealer and not from the customer to whom the product has been sold. A trader continuously buys and sells financial products such as stocks and bonds, structuring them in combinations to create more complex products such as synthetics, turbos, interest rate swaps, bond swaps, equity swaps, CFDs, ETFs, FX products and other derivatives. In this book, Tony Illis explains how exactly financial institutions trade these products, the strategies behind them, the way the trades are processed within the organization, and how they are supervised. This book is also the course material for the Financial Markets Professional (FiMa) wordlwide certification, certified by the University of Amsterdam (UVA). Tony is an ex trader, former head of an equity derivatives desk, and currently partner at Seventrees, a consulting firm specialized in Financial Markets. Tony is also CEO of TLM Academy and CCO at Seventrees Consulting.
Belangrijke feiten over het ebook
Titel van het boek: | "The Dealing Room" |
Auteur van het boek: | Tony Illis |
ISBN: | 9789464483161 |
Language: | Nederlands |
Totaal aantal pagina's: | 443 |
Datum van uitgave: | 2024-01-03 |
Bestandsformaten: | PDF - ePub - Kindle |
Beschikbaarheid: | Beschikbaar voor directe download |
Categorie: | Economie en financiën |
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