Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development -

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Je staat op het punt om Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development in epub helemaal gratis te downloaden. Een boek van auteur dat is gepubliceerd op 2020-03-25. Als je het online wilt vinden, kun je het zoeken met ISBN 9783030403232. Het heeft 181 pagina's en is in Nederlands taal. Je kunt het krijgen in PDF, epub, mobi, kindle en vele andere formaten.

Samenvatting van het boek

This book belongs to the Port Economics and Global Supply Chain Management strand of the Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics book series, commissioned by Hercules Haralambides.
This book addresses the strategic alignment between port authorities and their supply chain partners, with a focus on governance challenges. Many port (authority) managers are engaged in efforts to improve their strategic alignment with business partners in their proximate geographic region, yet the economic objectives pursued can vary widely. These objectives can include improvements in port competitiveness and stability of traffic flows, as well as better access to scarce resources such as land and capital, or simply more control over the logistics chain. Using various Benelux seaports as case studies, the authors of this volume show that improving strategic alignment can involve a wide variety of different governance choices, ranging from top-down to bottom-up alliance formation, from project-driven to multi-activity collaboration, and from long-term contracting to full-fledged mergers.
This book with state-of-the-art insight on modern port governance will be of interest to port managers around the globe, as well as to lecturers and students in maritime educational programs.
Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

This book belongs to the Port Economics and Global Supply Chain Management strand of the Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics book series, commissioned by Hercules Haralambides.
This book addresses the strategic alignment between port authorities and their supply chain partners, with a focus on governance challenges. Many port (authority) managers are engaged in efforts to improve their strategic alignment with business partners in their proximate geographic region, yet the economic objectives pursued can vary widely. These objectives can include improvements in port competitiveness and stability of traffic flows, as well as better access to scarce resources such as land and capital, or simply more control over the logistics chain. Using various Benelux seaports as case studies, the authors of this volume show that improving strategic alignment can involve a wide variety of different governance choices, ranging from top-down to bottom-up alliance formation, from project-driven to multi-activity collaboration, and from long-term contracting to full-fledged mergers.
This book with state-of-the-art insight on modern port governance will be of interest to port managers around the globe, as well as to lecturers and students in maritime educational programs.
Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Belangrijke feiten over het ebook

Titel van het boek: "Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development"
Auteur van het boek:
ISBN: 9783030403232
Language: Nederlands
Totaal aantal pagina's: 181
Datum van uitgave: 2020-03-25
Bestandsformaten: PDF - ePub - Kindle
Beschikbaarheid: Beschikbaar voor directe download
Categorie: Economie en financiën

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